Vehicle Logistics and Productivity

Streamline your car rental or logistics services at any location thanks to a comprehensive fleet management solution.

Car parking

What is GO?

GO is a mobile and web application designed to provide comprehensive control over any rental car turnaround or logistics process. Now, all your vehicle information, including damage control, is consolidated in one platform.


How does it work?

Retrieve the car, evaluate its condition, and specify the services required before delivering it or handing it over to the next client. Enjoy a unified system that manages all information, from check-in to car delivery.

Explore Fleet Management

  • Tracking of processes, statuses and services
  • Tailored services and prices defined for individual customers
  • Damage tracking including a full vehicle history in the database
  • Comprehensive performance tracking (both overall and per employee)
  • Vehicle operations managed in a warehouse logistics process
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR) readout for number plates
Car scanner image
Mobile app screen
Mobile app screen
  • Capture of details from vehicle returns (including damage claims and photos)
  • Identification of services required before rental
  • Streamlined digital invoicing and contract management
  • Seamless integration with other systems via API
  • Effortless data export into CSV or real-time review

Integrate with Damage Detection System for full scope of services

Elevate your system with an advanced AI-powered damage
detection solution and fuel your GO app with data on:

  • Car damages upon return
  • Complete damage history
  • Pickup and return images accessible through the mobile and web app

We support our clients in the following countries

Country flagAustria
Country flagDenmark
Country flagFrance
Country flagGermany
Country flagNorway
Country flagPortugal
Country flagSpain
Country flagUnited Kingdom
Country flagIreland

Sounds interesting?

Let’s discuss the implementation plan at your location